Thursday, October 10, 2013

Whoa- Day 36!

I wasn't expecting this.
I thought I'd do the 21 days, and then the sugar would creep back into my life, like it did last time when I tried this little experiment.
But apparently this time is different.  Maybe it's because of the blog.  Because I wrote the blog, a lot of people know what I did, and maybe subconsciously, I don't want to let you all down! 
So, what's been happening for the last 15 days?  It's so weird.  I have pretty much kept to my sugar-free diet, without really even trying, or feeling like I'm sacrificing anything.

I've been enjoying my protein toast with Earth Balance most mornings.  It's yummy and keeps me pretty full until lunchtime.  (Some days I put peanut butter on it instead.)

I've been enjoying a chai or sometimes a coffee with the unsweetened chocolate soy milk.  I actually bought a whole case of the stuff from the health food store.  Bulk discount, Baby!

Lunch has been pretty unremarkable- I've enjoyed blackened tofu, potato salad, left-over broccoli stir fry, soups, rice cakes, etc.

I've been enjoying a rice protein shake made with unsweetened almond milk in the late afternoon before I teach my evening classes.  It keeps me going through the 5:30 class!

I've been enjoying a bowl of rice and beans, or homemade lentil stew when I get home in the evening.  I don't really like to eat that late, but since I haven't been eating that much during the day, I've been feeling the need for sustenance when I get home.

I've enjoyed an occasional square or two of dark chocolate.  Yep.  You heard me right, a square or two.  I think I've had a total of 3 or maybe 4 squares in the last 2 weeks.  This is a HUGE change for me. 

I've had 2 occasions that have been remotely tempting, which both involved eating out with friends.  The first one, I pre-empted dessert by having a glass of wine with dinner, and figured that was enough sugar for one meal.  We all looked at the dessert menu, but nobody was really interested, although my husband tried to tempt me with the key lime pie... but no one ordered any dessert.  Whew!  The second occasion was out with different friends, and they ordered one piece of red velvet cake for the table with a bunch of forks.  This time, I caved.  I had one tiny bite of the cake.  And I really didn't care to have another.  It was waaaaaayyyyy too sweet. 

I'm really amazed at how I've resisted the temptation to buy vegan chocolate chip cookies, or eat all the Lara bars that are still in my desk from before the 21 day adventure.  I did have one bar one day, I was in a pinch for time and I was really hungry, and it was good and satisfying.  I bought one bar of Green and Black's Organic Dark Chocolate, and most of it is still there waiting.  I haven't been interested in very much fruit, but I've gone back to taking my Juice Plus vitamins, so I'm getting my fruit and veggies in a concentrated form, and eating lots of broccoli!  And apples.... I had a "honey crisp" the other day, and like WOW!  It was really good.  I haven't been interested in bananas or other sweet least not yet. 

I know that Halloween is on its way, and there will be candy in the house, treats at parties, and lots of sugar pretty much everywhere.  Then it will be Thanksgiving...and I know there will be pies, lots of pies.  (I really like pie much more than cake.)  And then Christmas, which is pretty much synonymous with Cookies, right?  Yeah, I really like cookies.  I like everything about them- making them, decorating them, giving them to friends, and of course eating them.  But, one day at a time here.  No sense getting myself all hyped up on an imaginary sugar rush just yet!  We'll see where the journey continues to take me.  I'm continuing to feel really good, with lots of steady energy throughout the day, and I'm so happy about that.  I'm eating healthy, grounding foods, (beans, rice, soups) rather than feeling like a rabbit eating salads and fruit, and that's really great for my Vata constitution, especially in the fall season.  Overall, I feel great, and I'm so glad to be breaking out of old patterns and habits.  Hooray for me!


  1. good for you!! I would love to give up the sugar

    1. Thanks, Krishna. You can do it! Set a goal for yourself, and make it happen!

  2. You are amazing Cheryl. Not sure I could do it but (except for today :-() I have limited sugar and eating less meat. It is a start.

    1. Thank you, Argo. You are pretty amazing yourself. One day at a time is how I did it! The payoff of feeling awesome is so worth it. And I am not worried about having a bite of sugar here or there anymore, it just feels natural now.
